Monday 12 October 2009

Been busy ...

and haven't blogged in a while due to working on the first release of our product. Well Adjoovo Spaces Community Release went out on Friday as planned. It is the first release of a project that has been incubating for a couple of months. The aim is to build a comprehensive metadata registry / knowledge organization system built around the needs of developers, architects and designers who need to work with complex development artifacts.

The objective is to provide a rich environment for folks to find our much more, in a shorter space of time about their existing and new projects. It is designed to work in "brown-field" as well as "green-field" projects. Brown-field scenarios are by far the most common scenario today (seldom do we get the opportunity to build something new in isolation). Building on-top or by the side of something that already exists, that probably isn't well documented, and for which you may not have access to source code seems to the norm. Well if that's a situation you often face, Adjoovo Spaces may be able to help ...

How does it help? Well in three different ways:

  • it can inspect a wide range of technical artifacts and extract metadata from them
  • it creates relationships between the metadata that can be navigated and reported on
  • it allows you to "annotate" or "enrich" the metadata in a non destructive way

If its not obvious, here are some of the usecases that we support now and are improving all of the time:

allows quick discovery when starting a new project. By pointing spaces at your subversion tree or uploading the project archive files, Adjoovo Spaces will quickly inspect the contents, find all of the Java, WSDL, XSD, WASDL, Maven, Spring artifacts and provide a navigable web site that helps you understand the contents of the project.
non-destructive annotation allows developers and architects to enrich the information about services, resources even java classes using the integrated wiki capability. Annotations "attach" rich content to existing metadata and artifacts without modifying the original content.
dependency analysis is provided in multiple views that allows rapid navigation through metadata relationships allowing for a better understanding of the relationships or to answer specific questions such as what would be impacted if a specific change was made.

These are just a few examples of the use-cases that the current snapshot version allows. Many more are available and are being added with each release. You can download and use Adjoovo Spaces for free and find out more from

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